Feeling stuck in fight mode can leave your mind racing and your body tense. Journaling is a simple way to create space, untangle your thoughts, and begin finding your way back to calm. Here are some prompts to guide you:
"What am I fighting for right now, and why does it feel so important?"
Explore the deeper reasons behind your current feelings. Are they tied to your values, fears, or unmet needs?
"What emotions are fuelling this fight?"
Name the emotions you're experiencing. Anger, frustration, fear? Identifying them can help you understand their origin.
"How is this fight affecting my body and mind?"
Notice physical sensations (tightness, restlessness) and mental patterns (racing thoughts, hyper-focus). Writing them down can bring awareness to their impact.
"What am I protecting or defending?"
Is there a boundary, belief, or part of your identity at the core of this reaction? Reflect on its significance.
"What would happen if I chose not to fight right now?"
Visualise the outcomes of stepping back or letting go, even temporarily. What might shift?
"What other options do I have to respond to this situation?"
Consider whether compromise, curiosity, or rest could replace the fight.
"What would I tell a close friend in my situation?"
Sometimes, offering yourself the same kindness you'd give others can bring clarity.
"How can I create a moment of safety for myself right now?"
Think about small, tangible actions to help you feel grounded—a deep breath, stepping outside, or listening to a favourite song.
"What’s one tiny action I can take to move forward, even if it’s small?"
Write down a single step, no matter how minor, that feels doable and aligned with your well-being.
"If I had all the rest and support I needed, how would I approach this differently?"
Imagine yourself in a state of calm and balance. How does this change your perspective?
How to Use These Prompts
I encourage you to start small—pick one or two prompts that feel right for where you are today. There’s no need to overthink or write perfectly; this is just for you. Let your thoughts flow, even if it feels messy or unclear at first.
If writing feels hard, try starting with a single sentence or even a list—whatever comes naturally. And remember, there’s no ‘right’ way to journal. The goal isn’t to fix anything in this moment, but to create a little space for yourself to notice, reflect, and rest.
You might also find it helpful to pair journaling with something soothing—a deep breath, a cup of tea, or sitting somewhere quiet. Take it one step at a time, and know that even a few moments spent here can make a difference.
This is your time, and it’s yours to explore however you need. For more personalised support, please check out The Rest Method’s Personal Wellness Services section of our website. You’ll find tools and guidance to help you rest, realign, and thrive.